In line with Government and FA guidelines, please see below our Covid-19 procedures.
With the health and safety of our team, staff and visitors paramount, we have detailed changes to the day to day working of our club and facilities.
Until further notice our spectator capacity will be limited to a maximum of 1000.
Our plan includes the following:
We ask anyone arriving to The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium to self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms before leaving their homes. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual Covid-19 infection you must not travel. Symptom check - (A high temperature – above 37.8degrees, a new continuous cough or a loss of, or change to, sense of smell or taste)
Enhanced procedures regarding hygiene throughout the stadium.
The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium and its facilities will be regularly cleaned and sanitised prior to use.
Hand wash or sanitising station provided at all entrances.
Spectators to sign track & trace details if they stay seated in the bar areas.
Organising the entry and walk ways around the stadium to reduce cross over in any area. A one-way system will be enforced for entry and exit to and from the main stand.
Mandatory spacing will be encouraged around the ground.
All doors will be open where possible to avoid contamination.
Buxton FC and Visiting Teams (Playing/Coaching and other staff members)
Any players or staff who are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 should inform the Coach and must not attend training or games
We encourage all players and staff to travel wherever possible on their own to and from the ground. Where not possible please follow Government/FA guidance on safe travel.
Please travel to and from training/games in your own kit
Away clubs will be asked to detail all members of their travelling team for track & trace purposes
Please use hand washing facilities in the toilets by entrance before proceeding any further
Water bottles should be used on a one player basis i.e not shared with anyone else
Competitive match play is permitted, with social distancing in place before and after the match, and in any breaks in play;
Players and officials should sanitise hands before and after a game as well as scheduled breaks throughout a game or training session;
Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot and the ball disinfected in breaks of play; sanitised balls will be positioned around the perimeter for use once the active ball goes out of play.
Goal celebrations should be avoided;
Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training;
Where possible, players, coaches and officials should arrive changed and shower at home afterwards
Competitive Game Play
Coaching Staff only will be allowed in the technical area/dugouts, substitutes will be allocated a space in the Main stand with appropriate social distancing measures
Pre-match handshake should not happen. Instead players will be asked to hand-sanitise before kick-off;
Team talk huddles should not take place. Team talks can take place, as long as social distancing is observed and held outdoors where possible;
Warm-ups/cool-downs should always observe social distancing;
Coaches, other team staff and substitutes are allowed, but must also always observe social distancing on touchlines/dug-outs. Social-distancing must also be observed during interactions when a substitution is being made;
Set plays – free kicks: referees and coaches should encourage players to get on with the game and not unnecessarily prolong set play set-up, such as defensive walls;
Set plays – corners should also be taken promptly to limit prolonged close marking and goal posts should be wiped down before matches, after matches and at half time.
Interactions with referees and match assistants should only happen with players observing social distancing;
Pitch Bookings
Whilst pitch bookings are now available, we ask that you carry out your own risk assessment relevant to your group.
All bookings must abide by current Government and FA guidance
Around The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium
We ask spectators queuing at the entry gates, bar and canteen to ensure social distancing while waiting.
Travel to and from the Tarmac Silverlands Stadium
All participants and other attendees should follow best practice for travel, including minimising use of public transport. Participants should walk or cycle if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle.
If participants do have to travel with people outside their household or support bubble they should try to:
Share the transport with the same people each time;
Keep to small groups of people at any one time;
Open windows for ventilation;
Face away from each other;
Clean the car between journeys using standard cleaning products – including door handles and other areas that people may touch;
Ask the driver and all passengers to wear a face covering;
Consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle – this may mean using more than one coach or minibus if possible, and the wearing of face coverings on coaches or minibuses;
Require regular hand sanitisation by passengers on a coach or minibus;
Limit the time spent at garages, petrol stations and motorway services;
Keep distance from other people and if possible, pay by contactless;
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise hands often, and always when exiting or re-entering the vehicle;
When finishing the journey participants should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise their hands as soon as possible.
Code of Behaviour from the FA
Covid-19 is a highly infectious and dangerous disease. A resumption of contact play can only be maintained if those involved create and maintain a controlled environment that minimises the threat of infection. Risk in sport cannot be completely eradicated but with caution and care these risks can be reduced. Each player will need to decide when to return to contact football, based on their own circumstances and the arrangements that have been put in place for a safe return. This is particularly the case for players from BAME communities or those with underlying health conditions.
If you wish to contact us for further information, please email our Club Covid-19 Officer Robert Turner at
We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and well.
Buxton FC
**Please note that due to the ever‐changing landscape surrounding Covid‐19 and the ongoing government updates and amendments, these newly laid out precautionary measures are subject to change frequently and at any given time depending on government guidelines, advice and updates**
Risk Assessment