Dear Shareholder,
You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to discuss the year ending 31st May 2022. The meeting will take place on Thursday 3rd November 2022 at 7pm in the Clubhouse Bar.
N.B. Only Shareholders or their named Proxies will be admitted to the meeting. Should you be unable to attend and wish to nominate a Proxy, please inform the Secretary in writing of the name of your Proxy prior to the date of the meeting.
AGENDA Item 1 Minutes from the previous AGM Item 2 Chairman’s Report Item 3 Presentation of Company Accounts Item 4 Election of Company Accountants and Solicitors Item 5 Election of Company Directors Item 6 Any Other Business
Shareholders who have provided email addresses will receive this notice together with minutes of the previous meeting via this process. For those downloading this notice from the website and want your email adding to the list then contact David at d.brinno@gmail.com. Company Accounts will be made available at the meeting.
Anyone wishing to table a formal question under Item 6 must submit the question via email to be received by the Secretary no later than Thursday 27th October 2022 (close of business).